Friday, July 15, 2016

Truck driver killed 84 in Nice terror attack

No fewer than 84 people have been killed and dozens injured after a truck careered along Nice's packed waterfront, plunging into hundreds of people, who were celebrating Bastille Day in the French city of Nice on Thursday.

French President Francois Hollande has said several children are among the dead after what he described as a monstrous "terrorist" act.

Video footage shows police trying to stop the lorry before it picks up speed, slamming into revellers gathered along the city's famous waterside Prome.

Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said 18 of the injured were in a critical condition.

According to report, the man was not on the watch list of French intelligence services, but was known to police in connection with common law crimes such as theft and violence.

The truck attacker is a 31 year-old Franco-Tunisian born in Tunisia, a police source close to the investigation said.

The attack, which came eight months and a day after Islamic State gunmen and suicide bombers struck Paris on a festive Friday evening, seemed so far to be the work of a lone assailant.

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