90 banker
90 54 two sure
90 66
9 77
90 54 66 9 77
Good luck tonight
To provide stakers with secret numbers to win big through lotto (Baba Ijebu) and sports betting in Nigeria.
54 banker 10sbk
54 10 11 best three
54 10 11 55 81
Very strong metro game, try your luck
60 Banker
60. 62 two sure
60 22 fire
62. 22 key
60 62 22 90 6
Very strong game but stake wisely
18 banker
18 90 two sure
27 15
18 90 27 15 45
Very good game
Closed by 12.30pm
18 90
67---43 two sure
67---- 22
It has been long time I posted.
But is a very good game, let's try it.
Game will close 10.30pm
Baba Ijebu and Ghana game National 7Banker 7-88 7-51 29-88 7-51-88 Direct 7BK-51-29-88-2 Let's get paid tonight